Signs of Life - Kirlian Photography by Robert Buelteman

Books about Kirlian Photography

Books about Kirlian Photography from IUMAB Library

Newton Milhomens books
Books by DrK on DrK Bookstore

Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Dr. Piter Mandel, Prof. Newton Milhomens, Dr. Thelma Moss, Semyon Kirlian, Dr. Krishna Madappa, Dr. Stanley Krippner, Professor Pavel Bundzen and other researchers, inventors and scientists on IUMAB Library

IUMAB Library
Consciousness Research, The Biointernet, Human Light System, Emotions, Yoga and Meditation, New Psychology, Intuitive Information Sight, Distant Influence and more on IUMAB Library

IUMAB Library – books, texts, videos and images about:

Bioelectrography, Electrophotonic Imaging, Gas Discharge Visualisation, Kirliangraphy, Kirlian Photography, Electrophotography, GDV, EPC, EPI, etc

The Biointernet Series

Books, Longreads, Images Collections, Movies, Art Projects and more on IUMAB Library

IUMAB Library:
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The Biointernet Series
The Biointernet Series

Semyon Kirlian’s book

Professor Newton Milhomens books

Kirlian and Kirlian Photography

The living aura: Radiation field photography and the Kirlian effect

Electrographic Imaging in Medicine & Biology by Ion Dumitrescu

Kirlian Photography book

The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla

Russian books about Bioelectrography

ALL is Light

Digital Kirlian Photography

Kirlian Photography abstract

Grand livre de l’effet Kirlian

The 120th anniversary of Semyon Kirlian

Kirlian Photography Explained

The Kirlian Aura

Sense of Life

The Body Electric

The Body Electric: A Personal Journey into the Mysteries of Parapsychological Research, Bioenergy and Kirlian Photography Dr. Thelma Moss

And more on IUMAB Library

Monopulse Plasmagraphy Gallery

Monopulse Plasmagraphy Gallery

See more about Monopulse Plasmagraphy:

Registration of ethereal formation

MONOPULSE PLASMAGRAPHY: NEW TRENDS IN BIOENERGETIC RESEARCH OF MAN.  Vadim Bondarev 1.      Registration of ethereal formation and anomalous emergences “Let’s begin from simple fact: man always realizes that he isn’t lonely. Stories about contacts with other form of life and higher sense outside of “real world” are thoroughly stored in legends of all nations of the Earth. 

Registration of energetic flows

Registration of energetic flows of fingers of man’s hand Vadim Bondarev «However if there is something in the world that is better, than to pass away in spirit of past centuries  and to conclude  from their works that we are very ahead?»  /Goethe, «Faust»/ Old oriental philosophy has conception about uni-bearing motive force

Three experiments

Three experiments (For the question of energy-information influences and interactions) Vadim Bondarev “Madmen don’t understand whole terrible danger, which they are exposed, when permit astral substances to penetrate in their aura!”  /Helena.I.Rerikh./ «Let’s be more daring. This theme puts many exciting and fundamental questions. 

Monopulse Plasmagraphy Gallery