BioMed Kirlian Camera
Kirlian Camera by BioMed company, Germany
Dr. Michael König is quantum physicist and is considered a coryphaeus in the field of quantum healing.
A Photon-Diagnosis: Vitality is measurable – how alive are you really?
In the beginning it was his assumption that electrical charges and the fields caused by them influence our being. König reports about the discovery of the Kirlian effect, the luminous phenomena of structures in a high-voltage, high-frequency field as well as the application in geology, agriculture and medicine. From his findings he developed the Photon-Diagnosis with which the health and state of consciousness of a person can be measured electromagnetically, both quantitatively and qualitatively. By applying this in the field of medicine, it allows for a detailed complimentary medical diagnosis.
1977 – Kirlianfotograf Standard, first Kirlian Camera
1979 – Workshop Kirlian Diagnostics, Cologne
1980 – First article on HP-Journal magazine
1982 – Kirlianfotograf Luxus, Kirlian Camera
1988 – Frank Eickermann, Kirlian Diagnostics book
1995 – First Kirlian Videografie System – video GDV camera
Kirlian Videografie System Ba9z
BioMed Kirlian Camera Kirlian 2.0 for Windows BioMed Kirlian Camera BioMed Kirlian Camera BioMed Kirlian Camera BioMed Kirlian Camera Kirlian and Kirlian Photography
Kirlian Videografie System Ba9z Compact (in the case)

Special software for Kirlian Videografie System Ba9z – Kirlian 2.0 Windows