This collection of cameraless artworks by the celebrated photographer Robert Buelteman was first published in 2010. This third edition includes a fourth portfolio, Life and Shadow, that was made since the artist was diagnosed with Neuroborreliosis, or Lyme Disease of the central nervous system.
This new revision of the first catalog of Buelteman’s unique cameraless, lensless, computer-free imagery, measures 8.5 x 11 inches and is now 47 pages in length, was released in the Spring of 2009.
Forty photographs selected from four portfolios created over the last eighteen years are presented with an introduction by Robert McDonald, along with essays by the artist. Included in this new revision are works from Life and Shadow, images made since the artist was diagnosed with neurological Lyme Disease in the winter of 2007.
These images have caused a sensation wherever they have been exhibited.
Richard Pitnick, in Color Magazine, wrote:
Robert Buelteman conjures up visions of a mad Dr. Frankenstein working feverishly in his laboratory as he describes his own elaborate process working with electricity to create his gloriously luminous botanical photographs.
But where his fictional counterpart tried to reanimate dead tissue harnessing the power of nature, Buelteman, with no less intention to understand the mystery and laws at the heart of creation, uses the living pathways of plant cells and tissues to channel electricity into a wondrous display of light, color and energy.
Selected images from Robert Buelteman’s three portfolios of cameraless, lensless, and computer-free photographs
This revision of the catalog of Buelteman’s unique cameraless, lensless, computer-free imagery, measures 8.5 x 11 inches and is now 47 pages in length, was released in the Spring of 2009.
Forty photographs selected from four portfolios created over the last eighteen years are presented with an introduction by Robert McDonald, along with essays by the artist. Included in this new revision are works from Life and Shadow, images made since the artist was diagnosed with neurological Lyme Disease in the winter of 2007.
These images have caused a sensation wherever they have been exhibited.
Signs of Life by Robert Buelteman
Richard Pitnick, in Color Magazine, wrote:
Robert Buelteman conjures up visions of a mad Dr. Frankenstein working feverishly in his laboratory as he describes his own elaborate process working with electricity to create his gloriously luminous botanical photographs.
But where his fictional counterpart tried to reanimate dead tissue harnessing the power of nature, Buelteman, with no less intention to understand the mystery and laws at the heart of creation, uses the living pathways of plant cells and tissues to channel electricity into a wondrous display of light, color and energy.
MONOPULSE PLASMAGRAPHY: NEW TRENDS IN BIOENERGETIC RESEARCH OF MAN. Vadim Bondarev 1. Registration of ethereal formation and anomalous emergences “Let’s begin from simple fact: man always realizes that he isn’t lonely. Stories about contacts with other form of life and higher sense outside of “real world” are thoroughly stored in legends of all nations of the Earth.
Registration of energetic flows of fingers of man’s hand Vadim Bondarev «However if there is something in the world that is better, than to pass away in spirit of past centuries and to conclude from their works that we are very ahead?» /Goethe, «Faust»/ Old oriental philosophy has conception about uni-bearing motive force
Three experiments (For the question of energy-information influences and interactions) Vadim Bondarev “Madmen don’t understand whole terrible danger, which they are exposed, when permit astral substances to penetrate in their aura!” /Helena.I.Rerikh./ «Let’s be more daring. This theme puts many exciting and fundamental questions.
The emissions of the fingertips and toes are made visible in a high frequency field. Only the high level Kirlian pictures can be used for the evaluation according to Energy Emission Analysis. The interpretation and diagnosis are conducted according to Peter Mandel’s EEA topography.
Technical data of EEA BioScan: Electrical current: 230 V or 110 V Load: 300 VA Fuse: 2 A high voltage: Upper photoelectrode “hand” ca. 16 kV, lower photoelectrode “foot” ca. 24 kV Dimensions: 35 x 90 x 35 cm Weight: ca 44 kg
EEA Bioscan (volgens Peter Mandel). Hoog resolutie apparaat om kirlianfoto’s te maken. Foto’s kunnen worden geëvalueerd volgens de Energie Emissie Analyse. Let op: momenteel niet leverbaar.
Via een hoogfrequentieveld worden de stralingen van de vinger- en teentoppen zichtbaar gemaakt op fotopapier. Hierna kunnen de fenomenen worden bekeken en geïnterpreteerd volgens de EEA (Energie Emissie Analyse) topografie zoals die ontwikkeld is door Peter Mandel.
Technische gegevens: Elektrische stroom 230 V of 110 V Elektrische lading: 300 VA Zekering: 2 A high voltage: bovenste foto-elektrode “handen” ca. 16 kV, onderste foto-elektrode “voeten” ca. 24 kV Afmetingen: 35 x 90 x 35 cm Gewicht: ca 18 kg Let op: momenteel niet leverbaar