Books about Kirlian Photography
Books about Kirlian Photography from IUMAB Library
Newton Milhomens books
Books by DrK on DrK Bookstore
Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Dr. Piter Mandel, Prof. Newton Milhomens, Dr. Thelma Moss, Semyon Kirlian, Dr. Krishna Madappa, Dr. Stanley Krippner, Professor Pavel Bundzen and other researchers, inventors and scientists on IUMAB Library
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Consciousness Research, The Biointernet, Human Light System, Emotions, Yoga and Meditation, New Psychology, Intuitive Information Sight, Distant Influence and more on IUMAB Library
IUMAB Library – books, texts, videos and images about:
Bioelectrography, Electrophotonic Imaging, Gas Discharge Visualisation, Kirliangraphy, Kirlian Photography, Electrophotography, GDV, EPC, EPI, etc
The Biointernet Series
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Semyon Kirlian’s book
Professor Newton Milhomens books
Kirlian and Kirlian Photography
The living aura: Radiation field photography and the Kirlian effect
Electrographic Imaging in Medicine & Biology by Ion Dumitrescu
Kirlian Photography book
The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla
Russian books about Bioelectrography
ALL is Light
Digital Kirlian Photography
Kirlian Photography abstract
Grand livre de l’effet Kirlian
The 120th anniversary of Semyon Kirlian
Kirlian Photography Explained
The Kirlian Aura
Sense of Life
The Body Electric
The Body Electric: A Personal Journey into the Mysteries of Parapsychological Research, Bioenergy and Kirlian Photography Dr. Thelma Moss
And more on IUMAB Library