Monopulse Plasmagraphy Gallery
Monopulse Plasmagraphy Monopulse Plasmagraphy Monopulse Plasmagraphy Monopulse Plasmagraphy Monopulse Plasmagraphy Monopulse Plasmagraphy Monopulse Plasmagraphy Monopulse Plasmagraphy Monopulse Plasmagraphy Monopulse Plasmagraphy Monopulse Plasmagraphy Monopulse Plasmagraphy Monopulse Plasmagraphy Monopulse Plasmagraphy Monopulse Plasmagraphy Monopulse Plasmagraphy Monopulse Plasmagraphy Monopulse Plasmagraphy
Monopulse Plasmagraphy Gallery
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Registration of ethereal formation
MONOPULSE PLASMAGRAPHY: NEW TRENDS IN BIOENERGETIC RESEARCH OF MAN. Vadim Bondarev 1. Registration of ethereal formation and anomalous emergences “Let’s begin from simple fact: man always realizes that he isn’t lonely. Stories about contacts with other form of life and higher sense outside of “real world” are thoroughly stored in legends of all nations of the Earth.
Registration of energetic flows
Registration of energetic flows of fingers of man’s hand Vadim Bondarev «However if there is something in the world that is better, than to pass away in spirit of past centuries and to conclude from their works that we are very ahead?» /Goethe, «Faust»/ Old oriental philosophy has conception about uni-bearing motive force
Three experiments
Three experiments (For the question of energy-information influences and interactions) Vadim Bondarev “Madmen don’t understand whole terrible danger, which they are exposed, when permit astral substances to penetrate in their aura!” /Helena.I.Rerikh./ «Let’s be more daring. This theme puts many exciting and fundamental questions.